I need a speed booster

why u download the amx , if the amx is not working , download the pwn and compile it or just open pawno then new , then replace all with the text in that site : http://pastebin.ca/1551475 , then click compile , done.

Messages In This Thread
I need a speed booster - by DevanTheDude - 09.02.2010, 00:38
Re: I need a speed booster - by hvampire - 09.02.2010, 00:47
Re: I need a speed booster - by DevanTheDude - 09.02.2010, 00:50
Re: I need a speed booster - by hvampire - 09.02.2010, 00:51
Re: I need a speed booster - by DevanTheDude - 09.02.2010, 00:53
Re: I need a speed booster - by hvampire - 09.02.2010, 00:55
Re: I need a speed booster - by DevanTheDude - 09.02.2010, 00:59
Re: I need a speed booster - by hvampire - 09.02.2010, 01:05
Re: I need a speed booster - by DevanTheDude - 09.02.2010, 01:11
Re: I need a speed booster - by hvampire - 09.02.2010, 01:38

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