why not connected

u open sampserver.i change firewall setting and when i go to samp cheacker it is showing

server is online - no
samp internet list - yes
why server not online i alredy open samp server but it showing me server is not online why can any one help me?thx.

Messages In This Thread
why not connected - by ahbir - 07.02.2010, 21:47
Re: why not connected - by XeoN_13 - 07.02.2010, 22:47
Re: why not connected - by ahbir - 07.02.2010, 23:19
Re: why not connected - by gotenks918 - 07.02.2010, 23:36
Re: why not connected - by ahbir - 08.02.2010, 03:48

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