My fucking weapon anticheat

Originally Posted by ReteLikker
i had same problem

put on top
new PlayerSpawned[MAX_PLAYERS];
this onplayerconnect & disconnect
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  PlayerSpawned[playerid] = 0;
	return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
  PlayerSpawned[playerid] = 1;
	return 1;
Then in your weapon hack code
if(PlayerSpawned[i] == 1)
Thanks but you are sure that this works? You use it and don't are banning innocent people?


Messages In This Thread
My fucking weapon anticheat - by CTCCoco - 05.02.2010, 19:25
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by Calgon - 05.02.2010, 19:27
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by CTCCoco - 05.02.2010, 19:44
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by MadeMan - 05.02.2010, 19:47
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by CTCCoco - 05.02.2010, 19:57
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by MadeMan - 05.02.2010, 20:01
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by CTCCoco - 05.02.2010, 21:21
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by ~Dangun! - 05.02.2010, 21:41
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by CTCCoco - 05.02.2010, 21:47
Re: My fucking weapon anticheat - by ~Dangun! - 05.02.2010, 21:51

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