[SOLVED finaly :D] Really need help with countdown timer

It seems ok, but i've simplified it a bit. Try it now.
Before the countdown starts, the values should be as so:

pawn Code:
Tmin = [whatever minute you want];
Tsec = 0;
pawn Code:
public SetCountDown(minutes, seconds, Float:x, Float:y)
   Timer = TextDrawCreate(x, y, "00:00");
   TextDrawAlignment(Timer, 2);
   TextDrawSetOutline(Timer, 1);

   Tmin = minutes;
   Tsec = seconds; // should be "0" if you want the whole minute

   TTimer = SetTimer("TimerSet",1000,1);
   return 1;

Here is the "TimerSet" callback that is repeated 1000 ms

public TimerSet()
    new string[5];
    if(Tsec <= 0)
        Tsec = 59;
        if(Tmin <= 0)
            OnCountDownEnd(); // Time's Up
    format(string, 5, "%d:%d",Tmin, Tsec);
    TextDrawSetString(Timer, string);
    ///TextDrawShowForAll ?
Also, aren't you supposed to be showing the textdraw once you've formatted the string? maybe the textdraw is being shown every 10 seconds in another timer or callback.

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