Troubles with AreaCheck

That looks fine.
May be the coordinates are off, try outputting your coordinates, so you can make sure they are in the range as you step on the bed

public IsPlayerInArea()
	new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
	for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
	  new msg[128];
	  format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Coordinates: %f, %f, %f", x, y, z);
	  SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,"Bed #1: Menace");
	  if(x >= 238.6068 && x <= 240.6635 && y >= 2066.3640 && y <= 2068.2859 && z <=23.7469) //bed 1
	    SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,"Bed #1: Menace");
		if(x >=238.5978 && x <=240.6654 && y >= 2063.0134 && y <= 2064.9238 && z <=23.7469) //bed 2
		  SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED,"Bed #2: VonLeeuwen");
	return 1;
Oh and if you want an area check system that has full functionality see sig V

Messages In This Thread
Troubles with AreaCheck - by VonLeeuwen - 01.02.2010, 18:46
Re: Troubles with AreaCheck - by mansonh - 01.02.2010, 19:30
Re: Troubles with AreaCheck - by VonLeeuwen - 01.02.2010, 19:53
Re: Troubles with AreaCheck - by mansonh - 01.02.2010, 20:42

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