get car color

i spawn a car with a command "/spawncar"
then i choose a color with command "/setcarcolor color1 color2

then i add a car in a file (after the gamemode reload the file to createvehicles) with the command /addveh

my problem is to save the colors of the car too

Messages In This Thread
get car color - by jasonnw666 - 31.01.2010, 10:54
Re: get car color - by xCoder - 31.01.2010, 10:55
Re: get car color - by jasonnw666 - 31.01.2010, 10:57
Re: get car color - by jasonnw666 - 31.01.2010, 11:49
Re: get car color - by ray187 - 31.01.2010, 11:56
Re: get car color - by jasonnw666 - 31.01.2010, 11:57
Re: get car color - by ray187 - 31.01.2010, 12:07
Re: get car color - by jasonnw666 - 31.01.2010, 12:10
Re: get car color - by ray187 - 31.01.2010, 12:29
Re: get car color - by jasonnw666 - 31.01.2010, 12:39

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