27.01.2010, 07:49
No I am not making your life harder.
if(Give someone a peice of code) they will come back when it breaks && you failed to teach them;
else if(Give someone the instructions to do it themselves)
If(They learn) they are coders;
else they are not;
I am trying to help you, but if you cannot/not willing to learn and figure things out yourself, then I cannot help you. This is a very simple peice of code to understand, and as Kenetic said,
I am guessing that this is your first programming language. I would seriously suggest something easier:
http://www.python.org/ is a very good language to start learning on.
if(Give someone a peice of code) they will come back when it breaks && you failed to teach them;
else if(Give someone the instructions to do it themselves)
If(They learn) they are coders;
else they are not;
I am trying to help you, but if you cannot/not willing to learn and figure things out yourself, then I cannot help you. This is a very simple peice of code to understand, and as Kenetic said,
you need to practice on something of a lower caliber. |
http://www.python.org/ is a very good language to start learning on.