need help from smart scripters

Originally Posted by AExAlExAlEx
You are basically asking a scripter to copy a server for you ? ..not good.
I myself own a mini-misions type server but ANYONE can join it and see that my misions are UNIQUE and not copied.
You may find out sooner or later that unique things atract people not copied junk.
no i dont it just i want a cops and robbers servefr that isnt in a nother lag. exept ENGLISH

Messages In This Thread
need help from smart scripters - by DJDUST_OWNER - 26.01.2010, 21:50
Re: need help from smart scripters - by actiwe - 26.01.2010, 21:55
Re: need help from smart scripters - by AlExAlExAlEx - 26.01.2010, 21:55
Re: need help from smart scripters - by DJDUST_OWNER - 26.01.2010, 22:02

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