Originally Posted by CalgonX
pawn Код:
stock KickPlayer( playerid, Reason[], playerwhokicked ) { if( IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) { new string[ 128 ], Name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
GetPlayerName( playerid, Name, sizeof( Name ) );
if( playerwhokicked == -255 ) { format( string, sizeof( string ), "AdmCmd: %s has been kicked, reason: %s", Name, Reason ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, string ); Kick( playerid ); print( string ); } else { new KickerName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; GetPlayerName( playerwhokicked, KickerName, sizeof( KickerName ) ); format( string, sizeof( string ), "AdmCmd: %s has been kicked by %s, reason: %s", Name, KickerName, Reason ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, string ); Kick( playerid ); print( string ); } } else { printf( "KickPlayer() was called, but the playerid (%d) inserted into the function wasn't a valid ID.", playerid ) ); } }
I need two
reasons in that function.. One will be shown only for player, another will be shown for everyone..
And SendFMessage is
SendPlayerFormattedMessage from useful functions, it works..