Players join with id 0, and have NPC?

NPC-bots are counted as players too. So if you have 100 slots and 5 NPC-bots, you'll only have 95 slots.

Messages In This Thread
Players join with id 0, and have NPC? - by johnnyyy - 23.01.2010, 05:45
Re: Players join with id 0, and have NPC? - by aNdReSkKkK - 23.01.2010, 06:03
Re: Players join with id 0, and have NPC? - by Andy_McKinley - 23.01.2010, 06:52
Re: Players join with id 0, and have NPC? - by johnnyyy - 23.01.2010, 07:32
Re: Players join with id 0, and have NPC? - by ev0lution - 23.01.2010, 08:06

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