Linux Log

Hello Everybody,

I'm running my SA:MP server on Ubuntu Server. I did it with the nohup method, and in the wiki it says that you can find a detailed log in nohup.out.

The only thing which is in nohup.out is:
Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF.
More not. No player joins, nothing. So it's not a very detailed log, is it?

If anyone can say me why and how it can be work, many thanks .


Messages In This Thread
Linux Log - by pascallj - 20.01.2010, 13:29
Re: Linux Log - by dugi - 20.01.2010, 13:51
Re: Linux Log - by pascallj - 20.01.2010, 14:36
Re: Linux Log - by AberKane - 23.04.2015, 10:14
Re : Re: Linux Log - by davidpolak59 - 28.04.2015, 20:48

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