Chat, Hud and Radar bug.

I can't see the Chat, the Hud and the Radar in the game. I enable the Hug on options but when i go back to the game, it suddenly changes to disable. I reinstalled GTA User Files many times, Deleted GTA SA&SA-MP many times but nothing works.. IT's same for all servers.. How can I solve this?


Messages In This Thread
Chat, Hud and Radar bug. - by KвmiLxD - 18.01.2010, 15:03
Re: Chat, Hud and Radar bug. - by KвmiLxD - 19.01.2010, 10:51
Re: Chat, Hud and Radar bug. - by Chance - 31.01.2010, 08:47
Re: Chat, Hud and Radar bug. - by $$ Matej8700 $$ - 31.01.2010, 09:51

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