16.01.2010, 21:46
Originally Posted by VonLeeuwen
Hey all,
I am trying to convert my objects at http://www.convertffs.com/, but if I copy/paste it, and I hit "Convert this objects", it comes out blank, so it hasn't converted anything. This is what I was trying to convert: Код:
<map edf:definitions="editor_main"> <marker id="marker (cylinder) (1)" type="cylinder" color="#BD3766FF" size="2" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="2721.1987304688" posY="-2380.1997070313" posZ="16.340341567993" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" /> <marker id="in huis marker" type="cylinder" color="#0000ff99" size="2" interior="7" dimension="0" posX="225.82243347168" posY="1021.6273803711" posZ="1083.0699462891" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" /> <pickup id="pickup (health) (1)" type="armor" interior="7" amount="100" respawn="30000" dimension="0" posX="243.64640808105" posY="1020.5565795898" posZ="1084.0123291016" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" /> <pickup id="pickup (health) (2)" type="health" interior="7" amount="100" respawn="30000" dimension="0" posX="243.6608581543" posY="1019.5437011719" posZ="1084.0123291016" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" /> <marker id="pils" type="cylinder" color="#0000ff99" size="1" interior="7" dimension="0" posX="241.06442260742" posY="1018.3492431641" posZ="1083.1036376953" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" /> </map> And does everyone has this thing? |