Originally Posted by ♣ Joker ♠
Lets start again
Originally Posted by Everest Community
...gspeedo... if i then do /radar [ID] the othere players speed come up but only for a litte lite 3 seconds...
gspeedo ?
yes it shows for exactly 2 seconds because of GameTextForPlayer(playerid, HGG, 2000, 5);
Just say what the command should do, so we know what work is needed
Well the command is for police vehicles, When you are in a police vehicle like in real life you can see how fast other people is driving and i have create that now and it works perfect just taht i does only see the message for 2 seconds as you said, but i want the message to repeat until i want to turn it off by typing /turnoffradar and thats when the gspeedo comes.