15.01.2010, 14:46
Lets start again
gspeedo ?
yes it shows for exactly 2 seconds because of GameTextForPlayer(playerid, HGG, 2000, 5);
Just say what the command should do, so we know what work is needed
You should put that in the line where radarspeed(giveplayerid,playerid) (notice the missing semicolon)
And if you dont know what it does => sa-mp wiki
Originally Posted by Everest Community
...gspeedo... if i then do /radar [ID] the othere players speed come up but only for a litte lite 3 seconds...
yes it shows for exactly 2 seconds because of GameTextForPlayer(playerid, HGG, 2000, 5);
Just say what the command should do, so we know what work is needed
Originally Posted by Everest Community
And if you dont know what it does => sa-mp wiki