OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
  //Set the co-ords of the holding place
  SetTimerEx("Out", /*The time here in milliseconds*/, false, "d", playerid);
  return 1;

forward Out(playerid);
public Out(playerid)
  //Set the new player co-ords.
  return 1;
Thanks Man, But i have factions, and it doesnt work :S? D: lol
I Have 3 Factions, Al Queda, Police, And US Army if that helps..
and if anyone one of them die i want them to spawn in the same place
and after there time is up maybe SpawnPlayer(playerid);?

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by TheNotorius - 12.01.2010, 07:29
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by [HiC]TheKiller - 12.01.2010, 07:47
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by TheNotorius - 12.01.2010, 07:58
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by TheNotorius - 12.01.2010, 08:25
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by Naruto4 - 12.01.2010, 09:04
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by Jakku - 12.01.2010, 11:30
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by bajskorv123 - 12.01.2010, 13:48
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by TheNotorius - 12.01.2010, 22:32
Re: OnPlayerDeath Spawn :S - by TheNotorius - 14.01.2010, 06:30

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