Pickups on 0.3

Hi, am still no closer to solving this

Here is an example of my code, for creating pickups

public AddBusiness(ownerid, type, typeid, name[], Float, Float:y, Float:z, buyprice, tax)
new query[512];



printf("Adding Business....");
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO businesses (businessid, name, bank, ownerid, type, typeid, enterx, entery, enterz, buyprice, locked, quantitylevel, tax, cityfund) VALUES (null, '%s', 2000000, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %d, 0, 0, %d, 0)",
name, ownerid, type, typeid, x,y,z,buyprice, tax);
printf(" SQL: %s",query);

samp_mysql_query("SELECT MAX(businessid) FROM businesses");
new SQLId[12];
printf("Business Added as %s....",SQLId);
new BusinessId = strval(SQLId);
if(BusinessId >= MAX_BUSINESSES) { printf("Max Businesses Reached."); return INVALID_SQL_ID; }

format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE locations SET businessid=%d WHERE id=%d",BusinessId,typeid);
printf(" SQL: %s",query);
LocationInfo[typeid][lBusinessId] = BusinessId;

BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bSQLId] = BusinessId;
strmid(BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bName], name, 0, strlen(name), 255);
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bBank] = 2000000;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bOwnerSQLId] = ownerid;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bType] = type;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bTypeId] = typeid;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bEnter_x] = x;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bEnter_y] = y;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bEnter_z] = z;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bBuyPrice] = buyprice;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bLocked] = 0;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bQuantityLevel] = 0;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bTax] = tax;
FactoryMarkup[BusinessId] = 0;
BusinessInfo[BusinessId][bCityFund] = 0;

BizPickup[BusinessId] = CreatePickup(PICKUP_BIZ, 23, x, y, z);
return BusinessId;


It worked fine under 0.2.x.. and I'm sure i read that there is something you need to do to activate pickups on 0.3

Messages In This Thread
Pickups on 0.3 - by Mattjones17 - 08.01.2010, 12:15
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by BMUK - 08.01.2010, 12:17
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by kmzr - 08.01.2010, 12:26
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by Rubennnnn - 08.01.2010, 12:50
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by BMUK - 08.01.2010, 13:03
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by Mattjones17 - 11.01.2010, 20:58
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by Finn - 11.01.2010, 21:01
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by Mattjones17 - 11.01.2010, 21:03
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by Jakku - 12.01.2010, 11:27
Re: Pickups on 0.3 - by Mattjones17 - 12.01.2010, 14:58

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