Question about freeze skin

I am using dudb i try that


and under on OnPlayerRequestClass

SetPlayerSkin(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Skin"));
It was saving my skin before I add
the code under OnPlayerReqestClass,but now when i conenct to my game ...come to my class selection there is just CJ skin... and i dont see my skins ... i think i need to make veriables or what ever they are or something like this but i dont know how to make this things to work...

sry for my bad english

Ty For Any Help!


Messages In This Thread
Question about freeze skin - by Lajko1 - 08.01.2010, 15:20
Re: Question about freeze skin - by Ironboy500 - 08.01.2010, 15:22
Re: Question about freeze skin - by Lajko1 - 08.01.2010, 15:30
Re: Question about freeze skin - by Lajko1 - 09.01.2010, 07:05
Re: Question about freeze skin - by Lajko1 - 09.01.2010, 13:56

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