Question about copyright...

Here somes my... opinion...


I think that to have copyright on something you created with a GAME like "pawno" (It's like a game somehow) I think that is stupid.

Why have copyright on a server? Then when you are scripting you are afraid of doing something that someone did before. Like imagen that there were only 3 servers on whole samp because of copyright!

1. Mini Missions server
2. Freeroam server (with teleports and stuff)
3. A roleplay server

That would be so boring! Everone should create what they want. I see that creating something VERY detailed on another server might be dumb but else I hate that copyright!

It's like there is ONE king that owns the whole server and stuff while there are a lot of other people there may only play on the server and not make their own server with the same kinda things on.

I hope you all see my point


Messages In This Thread
Question about copyright... - by yoni0505 - 09.11.2009, 13:04
Re: Question about copyright... - by Guedes747 - 09.11.2009, 13:06
Re: Question about copyright... - by Camacorn - 09.11.2009, 13:06
Re: Question about copyright... - by yoni0505 - 09.11.2009, 13:15
Re: Question about copyright... - by DeathOnaStick - 09.11.2009, 13:21
Re: Question about copyright... - by LarzI - 09.11.2009, 13:23
Re: Question about copyright... - by yoni0505 - 09.11.2009, 13:34
Re: Question about copyright... - by DeathOnaStick - 09.11.2009, 13:38
Re: Question about copyright... - by yoni0505 - 09.11.2009, 13:49
Re: Question about copyright... - by DeathOnaStick - 09.11.2009, 14:47
Re: Question about copyright... - by LarzI - 09.11.2009, 19:26
Re: Question about copyright... - by retart441 - 09.11.2009, 19:29
Re: Question about copyright... - by First_Place - 05.01.2010, 15:43

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