[SOLVED] Mabako Location / Interiors

Im currently using Mabakos location script but im trying to add interiors to the locations to display what interior your in like. But when i get 4 co ordinates all of the z angles are the same. Here are the co ordinates

AddPlayerClass(272,-468.4121,-212.6586,985.3784,167.4516,0,0,0,0,0,0); // co1
AddPlayerClass(272,-479.6917,-212.1360,985.3784,127.5854,0,0,0,0,0,0); // co2
AddPlayerClass(272,-479.0577,-195.0853,985.3784,150.4589,0,0,0,0,0,0); // co3
AddPlayerClass(272,-467.2522,-195.5970,985.3784,316.9544,0,0,0,0,0,0); // co4

I tried to work it out to this

{"The Bank of Las Venturas", -479.69,-212.65,965.37,-467.25,195.08,1065.37},

By adding +20 for the max Z Angle and -20 for the min z angle but that dont work what should i do any ideas?

Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED] Mabako Location / Interiors - by Kyle - 02.01.2010, 12:00
Re: Mabako Location / Interiors - by Kyle - 02.01.2010, 13:38
Re: Mabako Location / Interiors - by Redirect Left - 03.01.2010, 12:09
Re: Mabako Location / Interiors - by Rks25 - 03.01.2010, 12:12
Re: Mabako Location / Interiors - by Kyle - 03.01.2010, 13:13
Re: Mabako Location / Interiors - by Kyle - 03.01.2010, 16:17

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