About cpu

I have my gamemode up loaded to a high end host that their is only supposed to be 3 servers on each dedi . When I upload myserver and start it only runs for about 30

min then ping starts spiking really high my server host sent me a message saying i was using 85% cpu so i ran my server on my computer at home to test .

been running over 24 hours not 1 restart less lag then the server host and look at my cpu Why is this like this am i being

ddosed when im on the host it cant be a gm problem because works fine on my computer my buddies and value package just not the high end . ?

[img width=1024 height=640]http://i45.tinypic.com/161z6f5.jpg[/img]

Messages In This Thread
About cpu - by [SF]RobMob - 29.12.2009, 14:21
Re: About cpu - by hipy - 31.12.2009, 03:57
Re: About cpu - by iLinx - 31.12.2009, 13:09
Re: About cpu - by [SF]RobMob - 31.12.2009, 17:35

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