Originally Posted by [SU
propilot ]
Originally Posted by Notime
Originally Posted by [SU
propilot ]
i dont understand what the script does exactly?
well you can duel someone for a 1 vs 1 fight, so you can choose what weapon u both use. if u used /duel and the other player u sent the invite to, accepts the duel then u will be placed into one of the duel rooms(if its available ofc). then theres a countdown and then u just shoot the crap out of eachother, winner will win the pricepool(thats the amount u putted in at /duel [id] [weapon] [amount/price])
so it like a gang war.
but 1 vs 1
if you wanna call it like that i guess.
this system was ment for a team DM server, and i got a bit tired of the times im getting killed during a 3 vs 1 fights, so i came up with this so you can duel someone so it will be a fair fight.