Army-base V3 (My first ever creation and release)

first add in top of your scipt
pawn Код:
new elevator; // you can rename elevator for the name you want
next you need to do the object
pawn Код:
////////// IMPORTANT ///////////// THIS IS UNDER GAMEMOD INIT ////////////
elevator = CreateObject( ID-OBJECT, X-COORDS, Y-COORDS, Z-COORDS, X-ROTATION, Y-ROTATION, Z-ROTATION); // this is an example and you need to rename the "elevator" for what you have in the new!
next do the commands like
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/eup", true) == 0) { // Edit the /eup to your elevator command.
   MoveObject(elevator, X-COORDS, Y-COORDS, Z-COORDS, SPEED); // Put your cords in here normally the speed is >1 and 10< but put what you want oh and where says elevator put what is in your new
   SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are now going up, Please Wait."); // You dont alwas have to put this in, delete if wanted.
   return 1;
   if(strcmp(cmd, "/edown", true) == 0) { // Same deal as before
   MoveObject(elevator, X-COORDS, Y-COORDS, Z-COORDS, SPEED); // Same deal as before
   SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "The Elevator is now comming, Please Wait."); // Same deal as before
   return 1;
hope you understand this one now

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