23.12.2009, 12:20
first add in top of your scipt
next you need to do the object
next do the commands like
hope you understand this one now
first add in top of your scipt
pawn Код:
new elevator; // you can rename elevator for the name you want
pawn Код:
////////// IMPORTANT ///////////// THIS IS UNDER GAMEMOD INIT ////////////
elevator = CreateObject( ID-OBJECT, X-COORDS, Y-COORDS, Z-COORDS, X-ROTATION, Y-ROTATION, Z-ROTATION); // this is an example and you need to rename the "elevator" for what you have in the new!
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/eup", true) == 0) { // Edit the /eup to your elevator command.
MoveObject(elevator, X-COORDS, Y-COORDS, Z-COORDS, SPEED); // Put your cords in here normally the speed is >1 and 10< but put what you want oh and where says elevator put what is in your new
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are now going up, Please Wait."); // You dont alwas have to put this in, delete if wanted.
return 1;
if(strcmp(cmd, "/edown", true) == 0) { // Same deal as before
MoveObject(elevator, X-COORDS, Y-COORDS, Z-COORDS, SPEED); // Same deal as before
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "The Elevator is now comming, Please Wait."); // Same deal as before
return 1;