GangZone Loader not working

Originally Posted by dice7
He means how do you get data into the "Argument" array
stock LoadZones()
	  	new entry[256];
			new Argument[9][70];
			new File: turffile = fopen("TurfZones/turfs.ini", io_read);
	  		if (turffile)
		  	for(new i; i<MAX_ZONES; i++)
				fread(turffile, entry);
				split(entry, Argument, ',');
				pTurf[i][ID] = strval(Argument[0]);
				pTurf[i][minx] = floatstr(Argument[1]);
				pTurf[i][miny] = floatstr(Argument[2]);
				pTurf[i][maxx] = floatstr(Argument[3]);
				pTurf[i][maxy] = floatstr(Argument[4]);
				pTurf[i][Team] = strval(Argument[5]);
				pTurf[i][ID] = GangZoneCreate(pTurf[i][minx],pTurf[i][miny],pTurf[i][maxx],pTurf[i][maxy]);
that's my updated code, I'm using the split thing to get the data into the argument array,

It loads them now, but they're not positioned right and they're the wrong color than what they should be :S

(I'm using to get the minx miny maxx and maxy, and using GetTeamColor to load the color from the team array from the turfs file.)

Messages In This Thread
GangZone Loader not working - by _Vortex - 19.12.2009, 23:24
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by _Vortex - 20.12.2009, 13:02
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by dice7 - 20.12.2009, 13:29
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by LarzI - 20.12.2009, 13:33
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by Donny_k - 20.12.2009, 13:42
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by _Vortex - 20.12.2009, 17:03
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by dice7 - 20.12.2009, 17:20
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by _Vortex - 20.12.2009, 17:51
Re: GangZone Loader not working - by _Vortex - 20.12.2009, 19:11

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