Help with my Script.

Hello i have been trying to get my payday to work right. It not given any players any money just doing nothink other then sending the player one message "Payday is here!" If any one could help i would be most thankfull.

forward Payday(playerid);
SetTimer("Payday", 60000 , true); // Every 1 minutes the Timer will go off.900000
public Payday(playerid)
  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
  	new payday = 200;
			if(AccountInfo[i][pTeam] == 1)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOUR_TRECE, "[Payday]: You recieve your paycheck.");
				GivePlayerMoney(i, payday);
			else if(AccountInfo[i][pTeam] == 2)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOUR_TRECE, "[Payday]: Sup, Holmes heres your cut.");
				GivePlayerMoney(i, payday);
			else if(AccountInfo[i][pTeam] == 3)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOUR_HELLSANGELS, "[Payday]: Sup, Kid heres your cut.");
				GivePlayerMoney(i, payday);
			else if(AccountInfo[i][pTeam] == 4)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOUR_CAPPELLI, "[Payday]: Your cut from the don.");
				GivePlayerMoney(i, payday);
			else if(AccountInfo[i][pTeam] == 5)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOUR_NORTHSIDE, "[Payday]: Sup, Dawg here's your cut.");
				GivePlayerMoney(i, payday);
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOUR_OTHER, "[Payday]: You have recieved a Welfare Cheque.");
				GivePlayerMoney(i, 100);
			print("Payday Function Called");
  		GameTextForAll("Payday is here!", 5000, 3 );
			return 1;
  return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Help with my Script. - by crazydc - 14.12.2009, 18:41
Re: Help with my Script. - by LarzI - 14.12.2009, 18:44
Re: Help with my Script. - by crazydc - 14.12.2009, 18:47
Re: Help with my Script. - by LarzI - 14.12.2009, 18:56
Re: Help with my Script. - by crazydc - 14.12.2009, 19:05
Re: Help with my Script. - by crazydc - 14.12.2009, 19:44
Re: Help with my Script. - by LarzI - 14.12.2009, 19:47
Re: Help with my Script. - by Tigerbeast11 - 14.12.2009, 19:49
Re: Help with my Script. - by LarzI - 14.12.2009, 19:52
Re: Help with my Script. - by Tigerbeast11 - 14.12.2009, 19:53

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