[0.3a] Vehicle variations changing when streamed in

Several vehicles have multiple variations, to give some examples: the NRG 500 does not always have the same exhausts and body, the Stallion can have a hardtop, a softtop or no roof at all, the Patriot can have the back covered and many other vehicles have variations like these.

Now the problem is when a vehicle is streamed in for a player the game picks a random variation when it spawns it, for example: say when you have a Stallion with no roof and you park it outside an interior, you enter the interior and come back out again there is a high change your Stallion now has a hardtop or softtop.

This is not game breaking but it would be cool if something could be done about this, even better if you could determine the vehicle's variation from within the gamemode script (perhaps an extra parameter in the CreateVehicle function? and a new function to retrieve it from existing vehicles aswell).

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