[FilterScript] [FS] Jail area and Jail command

This is my new filterscript by cale

This is a new jail area located on grovestreet it features commands, 27 objects (including torture bombs which people outside of the jail can shoot to torture them) and you can open the jail door and close it by a command

/grovejail [ playerid ]
/groveunjail [ playerid ]

Made by cale and i 4got where i found the jail command but who ever done it thankyou




Numhaken Mirror



Messages In This Thread
[FS] Jail area and Jail command - by PinkFloydLover - 26.02.2008, 07:26
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by Djrasim - 26.02.2008, 07:41
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by PinkFloydLover - 26.02.2008, 07:42
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by aleksandra - 26.02.2008, 07:54
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by Rks25 - 26.02.2008, 08:02
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by PinkFloydLover - 26.02.2008, 08:19
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by Numhaken - 26.02.2008, 11:03
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by PinkFloydLover - 27.02.2008, 04:52
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by Numhaken - 27.02.2008, 06:41
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by PinkFloydLover - 27.02.2008, 07:06
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by LuxurioN™ - 29.02.2008, 17:38
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by PinkFloydLover - 09.03.2008, 12:41
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by ALEXALEX303 - 03.04.2008, 15:30
Re: [FS] Jail area and Jail command - by MaykoX - 05.08.2009, 06:11

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