Explosion with RC_TANK

You should be using
pawn Код:
#define PRESSED(%0) \
    (((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0)))
Also note that the explosion is going to happen on the tank and will just self-destruct, which is cool too, but doens't look like what you're aiming for. Look for GetXYInFrontOfPlayer, and change the function to work with vehicles. You're also using angle wrong, you're not setting it to anything and you're placing it in the radius parameter of CreateExplosion, which is wrong.

Messages In This Thread
Explosion with RC_TANK - by _Sami_ - 11.12.2009, 05:36
Re: Explosion with RC_TANK - by Joe Staff - 11.12.2009, 06:09
Re: Explosion with RC_TANK - by _Sami_ - 11.12.2009, 06:38
Re: Explosion with RC_TANK - by yom - 11.12.2009, 06:41
Re: Explosion with RC_TANK - by _Sami_ - 11.12.2009, 06:44
Re: Explosion with RC_TANK - by _Sami_ - 11.12.2009, 06:59
Re: Explosion with RC_TANK - by _Sami_ - 11.12.2009, 10:04

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