3DTextLabel Stroke

Maybe he wants to know how to put a / in a 3Dtext

That there is something like // or something... and I MEAN or SOMETHING (It's probably not what I put at all, But it is something to do with the / as the /n means newline, and I'm thinking that this same thing got asked in/about textdraws, which also use /r and /g /b and all that.

But yeah, I reacon it's something to do with the /...

Messages In This Thread
3DTextLabel Stroke - by _GriLLeX_ - 27.11.2009, 19:47
Re: 3DTextLabel Stroke - by miokie - 27.11.2009, 20:36
Re: 3DTextLabel Stroke - by _GriLLeX_ - 28.11.2009, 10:41
Re: 3DTextLabel Stroke - by mister_ic3 - 07.12.2009, 12:43
Re: 3DTextLabel Stroke - by Sir_Brock - 08.12.2009, 01:24
Re: 3DTextLabel Stroke - by Sew_Sumi - 08.12.2009, 09:43
Re: 3DTextLabel Stroke - by Malice - 08.12.2009, 17:41
Re: 3DTextLabel Stroke - by Simon - 08.12.2009, 20:37

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