Automatic gates - bugged and taking much ressources

Let's see..

new boobsgateOpened;

public boobsgatetimer()
  new boobsgateNearCount; // No need to make it = 0, it is by default.
  new boobsdoor1NearCount;

  for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    if(boobsmember[i] == 1 || IsPlayerAdmin(i))
      if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,20,-545.30004882813, 1251.1568603516, 1.5))
        boobsgateNearCount ++;
      if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,20,-545.30004882813, 1251.1568603516, 1.5))
        boobsdoor1NearCount ++;
// Make the doors move:
  if(boobsgateNearCount > 0)
    MoveObject(boobsgate,-545.30004882813, 1249.1568603516, 9.5, 2);
    MoveObject(boobsgate,-545.30004882813, 1251.1568603516, 1.5, 2); 
  if(boobsdoor1NearCount > 0)
    MoveObject(boobsdoor1,-540.58142089844, 1329.7946777344, 6.2876319885254, 2);
    MoveObject(boobsdoor1,-540.58142089844, 1329.7946777344, 3.2876319885254, 2);
I didn't test it, but I think that should be working. You would have to do the same for every door/gate in the server. Try it and tell me

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