Is it possible..

I'm not sure, maybe it's possible using preprocessor, but I'm still not sure...
Anyway, in these kind of cases it's always a good option to use arrays and enums.

Messages In This Thread
Is it possible.. - by Luka P. - 04.12.2009, 19:21
Re: Is it possible.. - by Zamaroht - 04.12.2009, 19:24
Re: Is it possible.. - by RaFsTar - 04.12.2009, 19:25
Re: Is it possible.. - by Luka P. - 04.12.2009, 19:27
Re: Is it possible.. - by RaFsTar - 05.12.2009, 11:08
Re: Is it possible.. - by Luka P. - 05.12.2009, 11:16
Re: Is it possible.. - by KnooL - 05.12.2009, 11:17
Re: Is it possible.. - by MenaceX^ - 05.12.2009, 11:20
Re: Is it possible.. - by Luka P. - 05.12.2009, 11:22
Re: Is it possible.. - by Google63 - 05.12.2009, 12:01
Re: Is it possible.. - by Luka P. - 05.12.2009, 12:04

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