Dialog - List all ingame players

Originally Posted by V№ceC№ty
Originally Posted by [CRP
Kaleem ]
I know, i mean I am using it for a command ...

So I want to be able to do things for each specific player that I click with OnDialogResponce
OnPlayerClickPlayer using the tab menu

Originally Posted by [CRP
Kaleem]lol i know but I want to be able to use ShowDialogForPlayer and OnDialogResponce because I want this to work through a command

Messages In This Thread
Dialog - List all ingame players - by Klid - 03.12.2009, 08:27
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by ExoSanty - 03.12.2009, 08:45
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by Klid - 03.12.2009, 08:55
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by FrostBytez - 03.12.2009, 09:03
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by Klid - 03.12.2009, 09:04
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by Retardedwolf - 03.12.2009, 09:28
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by V1ceC1ty - 03.12.2009, 13:09
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by GTA967 - 03.12.2009, 15:33
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by roschti - 03.12.2009, 15:42
Re: Dialog - List all ingame players - by Joe Staff - 03.12.2009, 16:16

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