Please help, urgently!

Here's one I like the script for the drugs and materials.

When you write / help me write a column for the Bank, have all the commands mean / deposit, /withdraw, then another and / balance. E now I still wanted me to be in command / deposit, and /withdraw.
Here we want to be and / deposit money, drugs and materials.
If we can give the script urgently and that it can work in a bank and ATM.

I am sorry if I wrote something wrong. I am from the Croatian.
I ask you only to work script.

Messages In This Thread
Please help, urgently! - by Max_Cone_SmartEx - 02.12.2009, 18:10
Re: Please help, urgently! - by MB@ - 02.12.2009, 19:55
Re: Please help, urgently! - by Max_Cone_SmartEx - 02.12.2009, 22:38
Re: Please help, urgently! - by Grim_ - 02.12.2009, 22:41

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