/z /y /x commands

how can i make a command that when i type /z 10 it adds 10 to the /z coordinate and when i do /z -10 it subtracts
and the same for /x and /y

please help

Messages In This Thread
/z /y /x commands - by [SW]thekillaer - 01.12.2009, 21:11
Re: /z /y /x commands - by LarzI - 01.12.2009, 21:27
Re: /z /y /x commands - by [SW]thekillaer - 01.12.2009, 22:07
Re: /z /y /x commands - by LarzI - 01.12.2009, 22:51
Re: /z /y /x commands - by Niixie - 02.12.2009, 16:25

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