Originally Posted by Donny
Originally Posted by ZeeX
pawn Code:
stock CreatePlayerDialog(playerid, style, caption[], info[], button1[], button2[]) { new dialogid; dialogid = getproperty(0, "dialogs"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption, info, button1, button2); setproperty(0, "dialogs", dialogid+1); return dialogid; }
This function allows you create dialogs without worrying about their IDs as they are increased automatically, it is like when you create a textdraw you remember its ID to use it further
pawn Code:
new dialog = CreatePlayerDialog(playerid, 0, "caption", "info", "button1", "button2")
Nice function and method dude.
List updated also.
Wow that just made my scripting lfe a hell lot easier