xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b


With no offence intended i must say that this is the worst looking script that i have ever seen from somebody like yourself who is known to be a well respected scripter. The coding is basic and shows no sense of ability whereas i know you do have ability. But basically it is all guess work, i didn't see one bit of code that would find a cheater/hacker and would be even 80% sure that it had found one. Maybe for the indoor weapons, take into consideration that somebody may well have used knuckle dusters which aren't synced and show the player to have and use they previous weapon. The spam would be no good at all if there are only 2-3 people in the server. Flying vehicle.. huh, helicopters/areoplanes? Not to mention a car doing a jump in the desert or from mount chilliad. I aint bothered to look at the rest i just quickly scrolled down. Good attempt though.


Messages In This Thread
xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by Pixels^ - 09.05.2007, 01:36
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by Foxtrota - 09.05.2007, 01:41
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by Pixels^ - 09.05.2007, 01:46
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by SeongJae - 09.05.2007, 02:43
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by Pixels^ - 09.05.2007, 02:49
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by BeckzyBoi - 09.05.2007, 11:53
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by DracoBlue - 09.05.2007, 14:46
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by violet_blood - 09.05.2007, 15:02
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by GanG$Ta - 09.05.2007, 15:24
Re: xReaper - Anti!Cheat 0.1b - by Foxtrota - 09.05.2007, 17:22

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