another problem with my cmd

this says i have to errors wen it is fine any clue into y it says

C:\Users\brian\Desktop\pTc 0.3x offical\gamemodes\pTc0.1x.pwn(5454) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\brian\Desktop\pTc 0.3x offical\gamemodes\pTc0.1x.pwn(5499) : warning 225: unreachable code

code]irccmd_plinfo(conn, channel[], user[], params[])
	#pragma unused conn , params , user , channel

	if(!IsPlayerOp(conn,channel,user)) return AccessDenied(user);

	new string[284];
	new player1;
  new playerid;
5454		if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
		  new Float:player1health, Float:player1armour, playerip[128], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;

	  	GetPlayerIp(player1, playerip, sizeof(playerip));

	 		format(string, sizeof(string),"7,4(Player Info) ---====> Name: %s ID: %d <====---", PlayerName(player1), player1);
  			IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);
		 	format(string, sizeof(string),"7,4Health: %d Armour: %d | Score: %d | Cash: %d | Skin: %d | IP: %s | Ping: %d | ",floatround(player1health),floatround(player1armour),
  			IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string),"7,4Interior: %d | Virtual World: %d | Wanted Level: %d X %0.1f Y %0.1f Z %0.1f", GetPlayerInterior(player1), GetPlayerVirtualWorld(player1), GetPlayerWantedLevel(player1), Float:x,Float:y,Float:z);
		 	IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);

			if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(player1)) {
				new Float:VHealth, carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); GetVehicleHealth(carid,VHealth);
				format(string, sizeof(string),"7,4VehicleID: %d | Model: %d | Vehicle Name: %s | Vehicle Health: %d",carid, GetVehicleModel(carid), VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], floatround(VHealth) );
  			IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);

			new slot, ammo, weap, Count1, WeapName[24], WeapSTR[128], p; WeapSTR = "7,4Weaps: ";
			for (slot = 0; slot < 14; slot++) {	GetPlayerWeaponData(player1, slot, weap, ammo); if( ammo != 0 && weap != 0) Count1++; }
			if(Count1 < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,lightblue,"7,4Player has no weapons");
  			else {
				for (slot = 0; slot < 14; slot++)
					GetPlayerWeaponData(player1, slot, weap, ammo);
					if (ammo > 0 && weap > 0)
						GetWeaponName(weap, WeapName, sizeof(WeapName) );
						if (ammo == 65535 || ammo == 1) format(WeapSTR,sizeof(WeapSTR),"7,4%s%s (1)",WeapSTR, WeapName);
						else format(WeapSTR,sizeof(WeapSTR),"7,4%s|%s (%d)",WeapSTR, WeapName, ammo);
   					if(p >= 5) { SendClientMessage(playerid, lightblue, WeapSTR); format(WeapSTR, sizeof(WeapSTR), "7,4Weaps: "); p = 0;
						} else format(WeapSTR, sizeof(WeapSTR), "7,4%s, ", WeapSTR);
				if(p <= 4 && p > 0) {
					string[strlen(string)-3] = '.';
    			IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, WeapSTR);
				return 0;
5499		} else return format(string, sizeof(string),"7,4Sorry please enter a vaild id"); IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);
		return 1;

Messages In This Thread
another problem with my cmd - by [HKS]dlegend - 21.11.2009, 02:00
Re: another problem with my cmd - by Calix - 21.11.2009, 02:54
Re: another problem with my cmd - by [HKS]dlegend - 21.11.2009, 04:52

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