
i got a carspawning filterscript, but when i spawn a vehicle, leave it, and spawn another one, the old vehicle stays.
any ideas to only have one vehicle spawned at time?

the code looks like this..
stock aCreateThing(playerid, thingid, orderid)
  new pVeh[MAX_PLAYERS] = -1;
  if(pVeh[playerid] != -1)
	new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
	GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle);
	if(thingid != 597)
		Vehicle[orderid] = CreateVehicle(thingid, X, Y, Z + 3, Angle, random(126), random(126), 30);
	  Vehicle[orderid] = CreateVehicle(thingid, X, Y, Z + 3, Angle, 0, 1, 30);
	PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Vehicle[orderid], 0);
	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, true);
	return 1;
If someone got a solution for this, please copy the code and add your sulution and post it. thanks.

Messages In This Thread
Carspawning - by RedFusion - 19.11.2009, 11:46
Re: Carspawning - by LarzI - 19.11.2009, 13:23
Re: Carspawning - by RedFusion - 19.11.2009, 14:03
Re: Carspawning - by LarzI - 19.11.2009, 14:23
Re: Carspawning - by RedFusion - 19.11.2009, 14:27
Re: Carspawning - by LarzI - 19.11.2009, 14:38
Re: Carspawning - by RedFusion - 19.11.2009, 14:50
Re: Carspawning - by RedFusion - 19.11.2009, 18:58

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