irc cmd playing up

ok the problem is this irc cmd is playing up tried a few ways to make it work with no success and help or ideas

thanks alot

irccmd_ganginfo(conn, channel[], user[], params[]) {
    #pragma unused conn , params , user , channel
		new gangnum;
		new string[128];
		new tmp[128];
		new giveplayer[80];
		new playerid;
		if(!strlen(tmp) && playerGang[playerid]==0) {
		format(string, sizeof(string),"'USAGE: /ganginfo [number]");
        IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);
         return 1;
		} else if (!strlen(tmp))
		gangnum = playerGang[playerid];
		gangnum = strval(tmp);

		if(gangInfo[gangnum][0]==0) {
		format(string, sizeof(string),"NO Gang Members");
		IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);
		return 1;

		format(string, sizeof(string),"'%s' Gang Members (id: %d)", gangNames[gangnum], gangnum);
    IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);

		for(new i = 0; i < gangInfo[gangnum][1]; i++) {
		GetPlayerName(gangMembers[gangnum][i], giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
		format(string, sizeof(string),"%s (%d)", giveplayer, gangMembers[gangnum][i]);
    IRC_GroupSay(GroupID[0], EchoChan, string);

		return 1;

Messages In This Thread
irc cmd playing up - by [HKS]dlegend - 18.11.2009, 22:24
Re: irc cmd playing up - by [HKS]dlegend - 19.11.2009, 19:43

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