help with hourly payday

thanks DeathOnaStick i will have a go at that for sure sounds like the way i need to be going


If you're using levels then you could do some sort of a new random..
Like level 1 gets a random between 200 and 800.
Level 2 gets a random between 800 and 2000.

But don't ask me how to do it I can't, but I know that this could be the way to do it.

i do use levels and my payday is for level one you get $500 then at level two you get $1000 IE:-

basepay is $500

so it's basepay multiplyed by player level

level 0 $0.00 an hour
level 1 $500.00 an hour
level 2 $1000.00 an hour
and so on

it was done this way to encorage players to get more EXP and to keep the game moving so to speak

Messages In This Thread
help with hourly payday - by mister_ic3 - 17.11.2009, 14:59
Re: help with hourly payday - by darkrider366 - 17.11.2009, 15:03
Re: help with hourly payday - by Benne - 17.11.2009, 15:22
Re: help with hourly payday - by DeathOnaStick - 17.11.2009, 15:25
Re: help with hourly payday - by mister_ic3 - 17.11.2009, 17:04

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