17.11.2009, 10:20
If you have noticed so:
1.This is an English forum
2.za assumption that you wrote the English so this is the "scripting discussion"
3.Ceske/Slovenske forum is down in languages
No this isn't a scripting discussion thekiller gived you link of scripting discussion here you go again !!!
Nie to nie je skriptovacн diskusie thekiller gived ste odkaz skriptovanie diskusia uћ zase začнnaљ!!!
1.This is an English forum
2.za assumption that you wrote the English so this is the "scripting discussion"
3.Ceske/Slovenske forum is down in languages
No this isn't a scripting discussion thekiller gived you link of scripting discussion here you go again !!!
Nie to nie je skriptovacн diskusie thekiller gived ste odkaz skriptovanie diskusia uћ zase začнnaљ!!!