Server won't start on linux | Help needed ASAP

I've downloaded SA:MP server from and I fail to start it on debian 5.0
I'm running it with ./samp03svr and I get a "segmentation fault" message. The interesting part here is that the server won't even load the gamemode or create a log. It just crashes on startup.

Messages In This Thread
Server won't start on linux | Help needed ASAP - by KKashimia - 16.11.2009, 16:13
Re: Server won't start on linux | Help needed ASAP - by xspeedasx - 16.11.2009, 16:17
Re: Server won't start on linux | Help needed ASAP - by xspeedasx - 16.11.2009, 16:38
Re: Server won't start on linux | Help needed ASAP - by dugi - 16.11.2009, 17:00

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