SERVER: Unknown Command

Originally Posted by E-Max
Originally Posted by Ritchie999
Originally Posted by jasonbridges

if(strcmp(cmd, "/opengate", true) == 0)
Thats not the problem because the opengate command works with other gamemodes, i tried putting a registration system in and the register/login commands wouldnt work either. and for some reason it only happens to scripts i make, never any scripts i put the commands into to test them like lvdm.pwn
I think you heve problem with buckles
Can you show us all code of opengate ?
Thats the whole script what i uploaded onto pastebin. i started a new script.. opengate works on other scripts though, i just used that command as an example of it not working.. any command i make wont work. i continue to get the "SERVER:Unknown Command"

Messages In This Thread
SERVER: Unknown Command - by Ritchie999 - 15.11.2009, 21:22
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command - by jasonbridges - 15.11.2009, 21:53
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command - by Ritchie999 - 15.11.2009, 22:02
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command - by Maniek - 15.11.2009, 22:16
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command - by Ritchie999 - 15.11.2009, 22:21
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command - by jasonbridges - 15.11.2009, 22:22
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command - by Ritchie999 - 15.11.2009, 22:31
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command - by [HKS]dlegend - 16.11.2009, 05:00

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