[FilterScript] [FS] Ryder's Drug System

Ryder's Drug House
Simple Commands
*(/drughouse) [shows you where the drug house is, it's located in Los Santos.]
*(/takeweed) [buys weed, then uses it. +20 health]
*(/takecrack) [buys crack, then uses it. +20 armor]
*(/enter) [to enter the drug house]
*(/exit) [to exit the drug house]



Messages In This Thread
[FS] Ryder's Drug System - by Pinehole - 15.11.2009, 04:09
Re: [FS] Ryder's Drug System - by SergiKirov - 15.11.2009, 05:20
Re: [FS] Ryder's Drug System - by *ToM* - 15.11.2009, 11:36
Re: [FS] Ryder's Drug System - by unforgiving - 14.10.2010, 19:24
Re: [FS] Ryder's Drug System - by willsuckformoney - 15.10.2010, 03:08

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