Getting a random ID

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Originally Posted by Harry_Gaill [

-This will kick RANDOM CONNECTED playa

Wrong, it just won't.
It will, if player is connected.
It will because you can't kick someone who's not connected. I bet if(Kick(id)) { success } would have done the job as well, but that's not my point.

It might have been the topic-starter's fault, he didn't really specify what he really wants to achieve. Kick a random player from the actual list, or randomize a number and take action if that number happens to be a valid ID.

Messages In This Thread
Getting a random ID - by Striker_Moe - 05.11.2009, 14:55
Re: Getting a random ID - by Kurence - 05.11.2009, 14:56
Re: Getting a random ID - by Harry_Gaill - 05.11.2009, 15:50
Re: Getting a random ID - by Correlli - 05.11.2009, 15:51
Re: Getting a random ID - by DeathOnaStick - 05.11.2009, 16:27
Re: Getting a random ID - by Harry_Gaill - 12.11.2009, 15:13

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