about putting players in virtual world

i allready put that code and btw this is my entire code what i choose from wiki

  if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/duel 1", true) == 0)
  SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
  if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) //If they are in a vehicle
  SetVehicleVirtualWorld(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0); //Take the vehicle with them
  return 1;

Messages In This Thread
about putting players in virtual world - by Sfinx_17 - 11.11.2009, 16:17
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by Doppeyy - 11.11.2009, 17:09
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by boelie - 11.11.2009, 17:16
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by Sfinx_17 - 11.11.2009, 23:34
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by smoker08 - 11.11.2009, 23:36
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by Sfinx_17 - 11.11.2009, 23:39
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by radhakr - 11.11.2009, 23:56
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by Sfinx_17 - 12.11.2009, 00:06
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by radhakr - 12.11.2009, 00:12
Re: about putting players in virtual world - by Sfinx_17 - 12.11.2009, 00:21

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