0.3a Hebrew Problem?

Originally Posted by •CryWolf•
Hey All,

I discovered a problem at my server.
the problem is the Hebrew languge at the server files (log).


0.2x Hebrew:
(IP:X.X.X.X) (Nickname:CryWolf) (id:0) (Date:22.10.2009) (Time:19:11:15): היי, מה קורה?
0.3a Hebrew:
(IP:X.X.X.X) (Nickname:CryWolf) (id:0) (Date:9.11.2009) (Time:14:33:22): аоцм йз йеъщрз

what is the problem?

You could've searched. Amit_B has reported this bug already, and received an answer from Kye.

Messages In This Thread
0.3a Hebrew Problem? - by •CryWolf• - 10.11.2009, 14:35
Re: 0.3a Hebrew Problem? - by MenaceX^ - 10.11.2009, 14:41
Re: 0.3a Hebrew Problem? - by •CryWolf• - 10.11.2009, 14:56
Re: 0.3a Hebrew Problem? - by BlueRey - 10.11.2009, 15:12
Re: 0.3a Hebrew Problem? - by Gergo1352 - 10.11.2009, 15:23

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