07.11.2009, 12:07
Błąd czatu/Chat Bug - SA-MP 0.3 RC8-4 BETA
22:32 <Balon> By the way. The bug with freezing of the chat does still exist. 22:32 <Balon> I've sent you a video before too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skG1R...layer_embedded 22:34 <Kye> well look at the performance of the game.. the person who took that video is under extreme network lag 22:34 <Kye> so, please look at lowering your rates and stream_distance 22:35 <Kye> I've never had it and I've been playing every RC for several days 22:59 <Balon> Yes, it may be the reason. I'll try and we'll see. Thanks for 0.3a again 23:00 <Kye> np. please review this page: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=125537.0 23:00 <Kye> if you have an RP server with lots of people in 1 city, you'll want to be careful with the stream_distance |