05.11.2009, 05:43
Originally Posted by Devine
Read your errors more carefully, and look at your code..
new H4CKW34P0N5[8] H4CKW34P0N5 is more then 8 letters, so why do you have 8? Your string is too small, increase it. |
Hmmm you need to loop through "H4CKW34P0N5", cant just put the size of the array / expect it to know what to do. (also, are kickplayer/isadminlevel custom functions ? or did you mean Kick() and IsPlayerAdmin() ?).
Edit: just noticed you missed a brace as well:
if(H4CK3DW34P0N == H4CKW34P0N5[8] && !IsPlayerAdminLevel(i,5))