Need help fixing error error

Ok, I some of it so now it looks like this. I haven't tested this and got no warnings, but will it work?

public SetPlayerFightStyle(playerid)
		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFightStyle] == 1)//Kick_Boxinng
 			SetPlayerFightingStyle (playerid, FIGHT_STYLE_GRABKICK);
		else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFightStyle] == 2)//Kung_Fu
			SetPlayerFightingStyle (playerid, FIGHT_STYLE_KUNGFU);
		else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFightStyle] == 3)//Boxing
			SetPlayerFightingStyle (playerid, FIGHT_STYLE_BOXING);
		else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFightStyle] == 4)//Street_Fight
			SetPlayerFightingStyle (playerid, FIGHT_STYLE_NORMAL);
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Need help fixing error error - by Jose 510 - 03.11.2009, 20:43
Re: Need help fixing error error - by Alice[WS] - 03.11.2009, 20:49
Re: Need help fixing error error - by Jose 510 - 03.11.2009, 21:06

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